I hear this phrase alot. Like about 1 zillion times per day. Hang around for more then 10 minutes and someone is guaranteed to be hungry.
I enjoy preparing healthy, satisfying food for my family. There is something about the act of sitting around the table, connecting with each other, enjoying a meal made with love that is grounding. Steadying. Comforting. And, reality is, with the variety of ages we have around the table, it's also noisy, messy and sometimes stressful.
Oh, but worth the commotion for the memories we make, the ritual we ingrain into our lives. Stopping the hurry to give thanks, to break bread, to connect with each other.
Over the last few years, I have been trying to eliminate the majority of processed food from our diet and return to whole, unprocessed, traditional foods. Sure, I still use canned this or that from time to time, but our consumption of prepared food has dramatically been reduced. Food should be real, with ingredients you can pronounce, flavors and colors found in real life. This is food that will truly nourish the body, and the heart.
Eating healthy means making choices, sometimes changes. One thing I choose to do, is buy our eggs from a local farmer. Startling in their bright yellow-orange yolks, the flavor is outstanding. These eggs are laid from chickens who run in the grass and eat organic feed. The chickens aren't on antibiotics or sick or squeezed into rank, dark chicken houses. Eggs from a standard, large producer are 20 times more likely to house salmonella. Plus, these eggs are usually dipped in a chlorine bath & the shells coated in oil before the eggs are packed and shipped. When the egg is cracked open, chemicals on the outside of the shell come into contact with the egg you are about to eat. No thanks! I can do without a side of chlorine with my breakfast. Find a local farmer and support their efforts. Buy their eggs! Or if you really want to get serious about this, try your hand at raising chickens.
Nice photo.